Ceramic Pro London
Running around the streets of London.
This job ended up being our first time in London. So naturally, we were just excited to be in an environment we’ve never filmed before. We had a small 4 man crew for this one. Geoff our producer, Sam our Director/Camera Operator, Mark our tour guide and camera car operator, and Anthony our talent. We ran through the streets of London creating a lifestyle video for the brand Ceramic Pro. We wanted to deliver something totally different than what they’ve normally gotten in the past for content. We were on a very strict timeline as we were only in London for 2 days (3 days in total, 1 of which being just a travel day), so we had to move very fast and efficiently.
memories from the set
“People have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories don’t have a middle or an end any more. They usually have a beginning that never stops beginning.”
- Steven Spielberg.
What it took
Sony a7sII
London, UK
3 Days